Tomos Luxe onderdelen

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Tomos Luxe onderdelen

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  1. Foot gasket Tomos a35 until 2007.

    Foot gasket for all Tomos A35 cylinders. (up to and including 2007) This gasket is situated in between the cylinder and the engine block. Thickness: 0.3 mm. Make sure that the flush ports are similar to the cylinder, because there are two different types. Tip: not sure which one fits? Also order the other model. Learn More
  2. Exhaust gasket for the original Tomos exhaust

    Gasket for the original exhaust or the 25 km/h replacement exhaust. Suitable for all Tomos exhausts with a thin corner (small hole). When in doubt it is best to order a gasket with a big hole as well. Learn More
  3. Foot gasket Tomos  A55  / A35 after 2009

    Foot gasket for all Tomos models built after 2009 carrying large (wide) flush ports. Pay attention: there are 2 types of foot gaskets. When in doubt, always order a foot gasket from before 2009 as well. See illustration 2, part number 19. Learn More
  4. Head gasket Tomos A35 for the 50cc (38mm) cylinder.  A-Quality.

    Head gasket Tomos A35 for the 50cc (38mm) cylinder. A-Quality. Tip: Fasten the cylinder head steadily and cross-wise. Learn More
  5. Gasket set cilinder Tomos a3 / a35.  38mm / 50cc

    Gasket set for the Tomos a3 or a35 cylinder with small transfer ports. 50cc / 38mm. Consists of: - Head gasket - Foot gasket - Exhaust gasket Learn More
  6. Kickstart pedal complete Tomos.

    Kickstart pedal complete Tomos. Learn More
  7. Mounting support exhaust Tomos black or chrome

    Mounting support exhaust. For the Tomos A35 with 2-bolt suspension. Available in black and chrome. Learn More
  8. Tecnigas sports exhaust Tomos A35, also available in chrome!

    Tecnigas sports exhaust Tomos A35, also available in chrome!


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    Tecnigas sports exhaust Tomos A35, also available in chrome! Pay attention: Tomos mopeds built from 2007 onwards are equipped with an exhaust support on the frame with 2 mounting bolts. If this is the case, you need to order an exhaust support. Tip: Always replace the exhaust gasket and stud bolts + nuts. You should grease the attachment points with heat-resistant copper grease, so you can easily loosen them later. Learn More
  9. Exhaust corner 25mm Tomos A35

    Exhaust corner 25mm Tomos A35 Learn More
  10. Exhaust support adjustable Tomos A35

    Exhaust support adjustable Tomos A35


    Exhaust support adjustable Tomos A35 Learn More

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