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Regular Price: €106.95
Special Price €88.00
Airsal / Eurokit cylinder. Aluminum with Nicasil wall. 50CC / 38MM. Suitable for the Tomos A35 among others. Fast performance. Tips: - To stand out less it is wise to spray the outside of the cylinder black, to achieve an original look. - Mount a matching cylinder head (high pressure) for better performance. - New cylinder? Always replace the needle bearing of your piston pen. - Because of the high amount of rpm's it is wise to add extra oil to your gasoline. 20cc per tank is sufficient. - The set is shipped including a gasket set (foot, exhaust, membrane) Pay attention: Order the head gasket seperately. - Grease your piston and cylinder wall with 2-stroke oil when mounting. - Break-in carefully! Avoid high rpm's in the first 250 kilometers! - Before mounting, always check the cylinder for irregularities. For a longer life of your cylinder and piston (springs) it is wise to trim the flush ports and make them less sharp. No knowledge, tools or will to do it yourself? We can do it for you. Learn More -
€22.00Membrane gasket Tomos A35. A-Quality. Tip: Order 2, one for in between the cylinder and the membrane and one for in between the membrane and the manifold. See illustration 2, part number 34 Learn More
€17.00Brake lever with switch Tomos A35 / Youngster left. Learn More
Koplamp rond Tomos met stoere gril
Deze koplamp wordt geleverd exclusief een BA20D lampje.
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Pakkingset cilinder. Eurokit - Airsal 65cc / 44mm Tomos A35
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